Tuesday, January 19, 2010

An Ode to Peanut Butter

Now that I'm brown bagging it almost every day and on a vegetarian regime, I expect to eat lots and lots of peanut butter sandwiches. I love peanut butter. When I'm really hungry, I eat spoonfuls out of the jar really fast, which gives me hiccups. When I have the time, I make a PB sandwich on toast with raisins and bananas. Not everyone shares the love. When we lived in Costa Rica, I discovered that peanut butter isn't universal. It seemed like only Americans eat it and it's as stereotypical American as, say, kimchi is for Koreans. (Wikipedia says it's also popular with the Dutch.)  Even here, it's treated a bit suspect. When I was eating a PB sandwich at my desk once, a colleague remarked that she didn't know that adults at peanut butter sandwiches, which is sort of true. I never see anyone else eating them here, except for one copy editor, who I bonded with instantly. Their loss. Peanut butter is filling, delicious and a completely vegan food. Trader Joe's is probably the best peanut butter out there and it's less than $2 a jar, meaning I could probably eat a week's worth of lunches for $2. And oh yeah, peanut butter can also save the world


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