Wednesday, March 24, 2010

I got your new post right here

There's been quite a clamor (OK, two people—one of whom is my mother) for us to update the blog, so here goes: Things are still going swimmingly. I don't miss meat and I'm not dreaming of 72 oz. steaks or anything like that. In fact, the other night I sat down to a meal of chick peas and kale and thought "yummy," whereas just three months ago I would have thought "what is this healthy crap?" The other big news is that we are not committed vegetarians anymore. We have agreed on special occasions to have meat, but only meat that is free-range, free-thinking, etc. There are a few reasons for this: 1-Meat is tasty. 2-Having it once or twice a year isn't going to affect my health a whit. 3-Hosts for Thanksgiving, etc., won't have to bend over backwards to meet our veggie needs. That's the big news, I guess. Nina lost enthusiasm for this project, so I guess I'll have to keep this blog alive, even though I have another blog to promote, one that just received 1 million hits.