Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Day 3: Eggs

I love eggs. I can eat three or even four a day, no sweat. Unlike Todd I have genetically awesome cholesterol levels so I can go to town on eggs and cheese and such. But as the egg industry is just as shady as the meat industry, I try to avoid supermarket eggs. I have been ordering my eggs at $4 a dozen from a local farmer in New Jersey who is committed to small farm methods of gathering eggs. I have not personally been to his Havenwood Farm in Newton, NJ, but I know friends who have worked with him personally. In addition to being a better choice as far as the farm's treatment of chickens, the eggs are delicious. They are large, with thick shells, firm whites, and deep yellow yolks that have some height to them when you crack them in the pan. Conversely, store eggs, even the organic ones, have paper-thin shells, watery whites and flat, pale yolks.

Now, a little thought has just wended it's way into my must-have-meat-justification system. Ken, the farmer, will seasonally sell his spent laying hens. Layers are not good eating--way too tough, but they make a rich soup broth. Would it go against this new philosophy to slurp up a tasty spent chicken noodle soup now and then? Hmmmm.


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